I think it would be pretty arrogant to not beleive in a higher being
I hear that alot and it's never really explained as to why it would be an arrogant thought. It may be arrogant to someone who believes in a "higher being". Are we alone in this Universe.. I don't think we are.. is there life after death? I certainly think there is.
I think it's way more arrogant to push something on someone and claim they will be "damned" if they don't do this...this...and this.
I agree religion is a stay away topic though, everyone is different in what they believe in. I respect everyones beliefs and I would never say anything against another persons beliefs, sad I don't get the same respect.
When I get visitors at my door I always tell them right off the bat, I wont buy anything but I would like to hear what you have to say. I may engage in topic and I always thank them for their time