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Old 03-03-2005, 08:03 AM   #10
Optic should edit this
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Hello, dear webmasters.

Certain part of our today FHGs content is made with hidden bath cam, so I offer you the following joke.

Two male priests are having baths in different tubs next to each other. In between the tubs is one soap dish, without any soap in it. So one of the priests goes to get some soap from the Cathedral bathroom. As he is walking back with the soap naked, three visitors are walking through the halls. One of them is a pervert.
The priest sees them and stops like he's dead with the soap in his hands. The perverted visitor looks and says, "Hey! Look at that statue! I'm gonna yank it's dick!" So he goes over and yanks it. The priest drops one of the bars of soap. "Oh look. A soap dispenser," the perverted guy says.
So the other visitors, a girl and boy go over to the priest. The other guy yanks his dick. The priest drops another bar of soap. "Yeah it is a soap dispenser," the guy says.
So the girl decides to join in. She yanks his dick. Surprised, she says, "Oh look! Hand lotion!"

Ok, then. 30 new FHG for VoyeurRealTime.
Diverse content, dark design. 10 clips 10 seconds each. Check for an example.

Altough the site is about 4 months old it shows a great results. And don't forget about exclusive live hidden cams inside.

Have a great day and Welcome!
MovieRevenue - our Movies and your Revenue.
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