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Old 08-10-2005, 08:52 PM   #12
Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue should edit this
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Originally posted by Panky
LOL! Wouldn't it be the 52nd state? Didn't we have the discussion that Puerto Rico was the 51st state?

Besides, it won't happen anytime soon. So many countries would jump to Canada's aide. Even the US allies would turn on the States if they crossed the line too far with muscling Canada. Other countries like Canada, they don't necessarily like the US. Canada is easy going, but they aren't pushovers. The US can muscle Canada to a point on certain issues, but after awhile, Canada will just tell Bush to piss off.
Umm, we have a few plans to make this happen:

1. The girlscout one, but we've discussed this in length already

2. Moving the border up 1 inch a day and soon, poof, no Canada.

3. Hockey lockout - this unfortunately failed to produce the mass hysteria we were hoping for.

4. Sending advanced troops in the guise of adult webmistresses to corrupt the moral fiber of Canada...oops, umm, *whistles innocently* Don't worry they won't figure out it was you Panky.

There's other plans like the whole Canadian Bacon Surprise plan, but I'm not at liberty to discuss the particulars of that one.
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