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Old 09-10-2005, 08:58 PM   #7
monaro should edit this Edit
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Chris, Funbrunette, Panky, Members and distinguished Guests

I would like to say sorry for not being around on Xnations the few months, I had hit a ruff patch and had focused on mending some personal issues with my health and well being.

I had put focus on fixing a few things and
spent allot of hours creating mainstream diet sites to also help in encouraging me to lose weight, after late last year and untill I said no more I put on like 20 kgs late last year, for poorly eating and drinking far too much on weekends and weekdays. I cracked, I got deeply depressed with my present state.
I had focused on something completely different like exercise and also did something different online like adsense

Anyhow by focusing on something different was a change for me and that bought me hope and the drive to reach other goals,
and one of these goals is to be the best Moderator I can be to my best ability here on Xnations.

Yours truly


Edit: sorry i deleted the adsense photo, my bad =(
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