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Old 12-20-2005, 05:12 PM   #9
ClubPro should edit this Edit
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RE: Ho! Ho! Ho! (Who'd Be A Turkey At Christ

please read my comments - if you could actually understand comments made instead of living in whatever reality you call yours - I was actually standing up for you stating that you had posted on other boards and NO ONE ELSE WAS COMPLAINING. That means that I was actually standing up for you in the thread - but when you come back and state that you are banned from most of the boards - I find it interesting that when I posted something, you somehow - miraculously appeared on all the other boards that you claim to be banned from. So dont give me that excuse or shit. I really dont care.
you never did care, and pornstaru was a setup
and you do sophomoric antics yourself

here's an explanation about this point

Simpleton, when I said I was 'banned at all the boards',
I did not mean it literally, OK? that was sarcasm, because
it is often an asinine thing that other people say to or about me.

stalking? lol, you just can't hack me pointing out
this same little bs complaint that is said about me,
and is something that you do yourself also, posting this way

also your current position is just changing the meaning of what you said before
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