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Old 06-07-2003, 11:49 PM   #9
Carrie should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Virgin-nee
Posts: 24
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Daniel's dissatisfaction with the convention itself, and the manner in which he chose to communicate it, tells me volumes about him.

First the letter itself. He can't write it himself, he has someone else write it for him.

He complains about the lack of information on badges, and makes the point that in a room full of people, he didn't know who anyone was.

He is unhappy with the seminars, calling them entry-level, as if they, too, did not provide enough information for him.

He has many negative adjectives in which to describe the show - which were written by someone else at his request - and then tries to claim that he is speaking for all of the Montreal webmasters in saying what a disappointment the show is.

And in the end, he suggests that "we" should organize a show, rather than stepping up and saying that "he" will organize a show.

Does anyone else notice the pattern here?
Daniel reminds me of the newbies who see the entire world being offered to them, and complain that it's not enough. They have tutorials, they have pre-made galleries, pre-made free sites, unlimited bandwidth, instant plug-in TGPs, free content, free programs to resize the content, free programs to make any galleries or sites should they ever get the urge to do something for themselves... and still it's not enough. They want someone else to do the work for them - and you, Mister X, just perpetuated Daniel's belief that he is entitled to this type of treatment by writing the letter *for* him and posting it *for* him.

Daniel, business and life are all about opportunities. Success depends on what you do with those opportunities. It is not the job of the show promoters to ensure that you meet the people you wanted to meet. Had you really wanted to do that, you would have contacted them before the show and cemented times upon which you would meet and talk. Plenty of sufficient "warning time" was given before the show to do this.

It's not the job of the show promoters to make sure that you know who everyone works for - it is your job to introduce yourself to people and network. Ample space was given to everyone equally with a large room for networking with both "loud" and "quiet" spots and plenty of tables around which to gather. The hotel bar/restaurant downstairs also provides a fantastic networking area, as it is the first place most folks go to after getting off of the elevator to see who else might be there.

The seminars were publicized beforehand - both what the subject would be and who the speakers would be. It is not the speakers' job to telepathically know what level your "knowledge" is at and adress it specifically, nor is it the speakers' job to telepathically know every question you may have wanted answered. It is your job to ask questions you want answered and to ask for certain areas to be addressed if you feel they're not getting enough attention.

And although you may feel differently, it is not Mister X's job to put himself in front of the flames to voice YOUR discontent. In having him do this, you have not only generated a healthy disrespect for the way you choose to do business (because this is business), but also put Mister X's own reputation and good standing at risk. When you are dissatisfied with something, it is YOUR job to tell people about your opinions.

This is not kindergarten. No one is going to take your hand and show you how to use that crayon. Likewise, I doubt that any attempt by Montreal webmasters to organize their own show will include you, since you seemingly can't be bothered to make any type of effort on your own behalf - yet you expect and call for others to do what you yourself won't do.

I respectfully suggest that this is not the business for you, and that perhaps you would be better suited in a line of work where self-starters have already paved the path and now write best-selling "How To" books that clearly outline the steps that you should take to make money and even offer consulting companies who will gladly empty your wallet for the privilege of doing everything for you.

I also find it interesting that you mention that you are a Montreal-based business, but glaringly omit the name of your company, what it does, or what you do. Hmm, exactly what you blast the convention for not doing with its lack of company info on the name badges.
Unlike yourself, I'll step up to the plate and ask - what is it that you do? What is your company? What can you provide that may be of interest to me?

While I am interested in the answers, you can rest assured that I am only asking so that I can make note of it in my little book where I write down companies and people to never do business with. I prefer to align my business with other folks who work hard, make the extra effort, and who take action rather than whining that not enough is being done.
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